Friday, 8 June 2007

The funding of the Young Lotus Workshop

Funding and Expenses
The funding of the Young Lotus Workshop will be split into three components.
1) Each local association will be responsible for thecost of any selection process used to pick the two candidates plus the selected candidates’ airfare.
2) Each year, a network agency will be asked to provide the manpower and organization for the Young Lotus Workshop Committee, including travel costs to and from Pattaya and accommodation costs. No agency will be allowed to provide this for more than one year in succession. In the event that no agency will take the responsibility, the AdFest Organizing Committee will be responsible for finding and funding independent “trainers” to sit on the Young Lotus Workshop Committee.
3) An industry sponsor will be found to be responsible for on-the-ground expenses for the participants, including AdFest registration fees, accommodation during the workshop and AdFest event, meals and learning facilities, such as computer accessories. In the event that no sponsor is found, the AdFest Organizing Committee will cover these expenses.
Details of Expenses (For Associations’ Reference)
1) Accommodation
2) Meals
3) Package Meeting + Meeting Room Rental
4) Computer Accessories (including wiring/LAN connections/Internet
package/telephone line)
5) Waive of Registration Fee
6) Speakers’ air ticket + transfer
7) Speakers’ accommodation + meals

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